What a different outlook I have today. It's all getting there - slowly admittedly - but there is real progress. Yesterday, one of the domain names that had inexplicably disassociated itsself from my server recently, eventually did the right thing, came quietly, and started sending web traffic to the right place. I sensed that it felt slightly shameful, and was being extra nice to the web traffic that it was now properly directing. I hope this behaviour continues, and the internet is normal from now on, and that I never again experience any technical problems whatsoever, for as long as I choose to continue in this satisfying and hugely rewarding career path.
Today, I finally got many of the other domains that were not forwarding properly, to give in also. They were probably watching the rogue domain name yesterday, and weakened by it's eventual compliance with my wishes, they decided to join it and jolly well buck their ideas up and act sensibly.
I hope other potential technical problems learn from this valuable lesson, and realise that they cannot and will not ever win. Unless the criteria they use for success is to make me temporarily frustrated and utterly stressed, and unable even to imagine a time when these propblems cease to exist. If this is their success criteria, they might have won, on reflection. And won very fairly.
And to think I was going to talk to someone in peorsn about this.
Posted by: Judy | August 19, 2011 at 05:29 AM